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Student views on Lake news


Student views on Lake news


Student views on Lake news



What a rager! Students dancing at the 2022 Lake Stevens High School Prom. 980 students attended the event. “I had a great time at prom, and it was really fun to see so many people that I knew,” junior Rachel O'Malley said.

From masked to masqued

Katelyn Gardner, Staff Reporter May 25, 2022

On May 21, 2022, Lake Stevens High School students attended a masquerade ball-themed prom. This was the first dance we’ve had since pre-COVID, and the next to the last for our seniors. Students were...

In the know: Senior Cameron McTee takes some time during lunch to check Twitter. He scrolled through his feed to get updated on trending topics. “Twitter is probably the best social media app to to see what is going on and being talked about in general because it shows you trending things and suggested tweets instead of just posts from who you follow,” McTee said.

Elon Musk sets out to buy Twitter in $44 billion deal

Cameron Smutz, A&E Section Editor May 23, 2022

In late April, entrepreneur Elon Musk announced his plans to completely buy Twitter and make it privately traded, along with other changes he had in mind. The company announced its plan to be fully acquired...

I Wish: Seniors at Lake Stevens High School take a poll, addressing which class they wished they would have taken in their high school career. These classes, help students not just by getting more credits towards their diploma, but help them take advantage in the real world. "I took Personal Finance, but this is the best class to learn about adulting and what you don't learn [in classes at school]," senior Megan LaBay said.

Ready or not, here it comes

Madeline Duffy May 23, 2022

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know the year 2020 is a year no one will ever forget. Coronavirus took over the world, closed down stores, restaurants, airports and even schools. The Class...

Ignored patients: Medical gaslighting is an ongoing problem in our society, and it needs to be recognized. Affecting women, especially women of color, medical gaslighting is a dangerous act that can cause a patient harm and possibly even death. "Medical gaslighting should not be overlooked,"  sophomore Marrianna Shea said.

Doctors dismiss patients’ pain

MacKenzie Conniff, Social Media Editor May 23, 2022

Often affecting women, more specifically women of color (WOC), and plus-size people, medical gaslighting is a practice in which a doctor dismisses a patient's symptoms, excusing their pain. This practice...

Beach Lover: On days when the sun is shining, head to Mukilteo Beach for a picnic or a walk and enjoy the sounds of the waves gently crashing on the shore. Mukilteo Beach is one of the closest beaches to Lake Stevens, but also one of the most beautiful due to the view of the Possession Sound and Whidbey Island. “My one thing I would say to underclassmen about summer is soak it in, really enjoy your summer. I did not enjoy my summers and I took my summers for granted. Enjoy your summer. Live it up to the fullest. Because you're gonna make your best memories within your high school summers in my opinion,” senior Amanda Comfort said.

Vikings will make the most of summer

Ellora Lueras May 20, 2022

With summer rapidly approaching, many students are planning trips and activities for the summer. While travel can be limited for students due to their age, there are still local places kids can go to have...

Decisions, decisions: sophomore Mackenzie Dunkin searches for a book in the Lake Stevens High School library. The LSHS library has nineteen sections, split onto the second and third floors of the East building. "My favorite thing about our library is probably the way it's set up. I really like how each shelf is a different genre," sophomore Katie Cook said.

Student voice welcomed in the library

Dakota Latham, Photographer April 28, 2022

According to Kit Shanholtzer, the LSHS librarian, renovations done in the library halved the amount of total books from 24,000 to 12,000. But has this really taken a toll on the students? And more importantly,...

Hunt or be hunted: Multiple seniors participate in senior assassin and eliminate their targets. This non-school-related event has had seniors looking over their backs whenever they leave their house.  "I'm just glad with the eventful high school experience we had we can still do this," senior Mateo Castillo said.

Senior Assassin

Lucien Sevilla, Sports Section Editor April 26, 2022

Senior Assassin has been a long-standing tradition for the Senior Class. Entry into the game provides participants with a target on a weekly basis and you hunt them down and shoot them with a Nerf gun. To...

Would you give in? 37 percent of teens vape as a social activity, but vaping can lead to health problems. "When it's the end of the day my lungs tend to feel as if their 'tired' from breathing and I can get chest pains here and there also," an anonymous student at Lake Stevens High School said.

Vaping causes serious health issues

Lilianna Rodriguez, Opinion Section Editor April 25, 2022

Prior to 2019, 18 year olds were able to purchase these devices that were appealing due to the fruity and juicy flavors. Due to 18 year olds being able to purchase these devices until the law changed in...

Motivation is Key: Motivation at the end of the year is hard, and doing anything to keep your mind on track is great. Jaidyn Foutch wrote in her planner to stay on track for the end of the year. "The hardest part of the end of the year is trying to get all the work turned in and done the way you wanted without having your grade drop," junior Kayla Stewart said.

The challenges of maintaining motivation as the school year comes to an end

Madelynn Butler, Sports Section Editor April 25, 2022

With the end of the school year in sight, it has become hard to stay focused. School is starting to become a drag, and people are ready for summer to come. Classes are getting harder, colleges are reaching...

Food supply running out: Empty shelves at Fred Meyer in Snohomish. Due to the Russian-Ukrainian war, 1/3 of wheat farming hasn't happened this season. This has left shelves at grocery stores empty. "Losing half our food supply could destroy our economy," sophomore Sidney Packard said.

Russian-Ukrainian war causing the world to go hungry?

Katelyn Gardner, Staff Reporter April 25, 2022

15% of all global calories come from wheat and rice, and ⅓ of our wheat and rice come from Russia and Ukraine. It’s crop season right now, and since these countries are currently at war, wheat...

College dorm: Ben Stainbrook shares his well-decorated room with a roommate at Washington State University. "Aside from expenses, I've always looked forward to having my own living space to have on campus," EVCC student Autumn Haines said.

Living on or off campus in the Pacific Northwest

Cameron Haines, Staff Reporter April 25, 2022

Students who live on-campus are also surrounded by other college students, and when you move off-campus, that may or may not be the case. Staying in a dorm at college is one of the many highly anticipated...

Furry Friends: Dog owners over the pandemic start to see issues arising in their dogs. The COVID-19 lockdown led to many people getting dogs, who started to see behavioral issues with their pets as time went on. “It’s the people that only see ‘a dog has to go in this box’, and it can’t be outside of that box,” junior Christina Derry said.

COVID-19 puppy craze fosters severe anxiety in dogs

Faith Hill, Head Photographer April 25, 2022

Dogs have always been “Man’s best friend” and a staple of the “nuclear family”, but this doesn’t make dog-owning an easy process, especially with the time needed to properly raise and care...