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Student views on Lake news


Student views on Lake news


Student views on Lake news



Washington voter registration cards prove voter eligibility, and a  2023 Washington state voter pamphlet provides information about all of the candidates in the upcoming elections. Ballots must be postmarked by Nov. 7, 2023.

A need for younger voters

Jory McColley, Staff Reporter November 6, 2023

Voting is the best way to create changes in our country. Many seniors at LSHS are eligible to vote in the 2024 election; however, those who actually vote will be a small minority. There are many issues...

Step right up: Business Secretary Melissa Dee sells prom tickets to sophomore Keagan Hyatt during lunch. Prom season means students are busy planning for a memorable event.

Old Hollywood returns

Brynne Shipman, Social Media Editor May 9, 2023

Lake Stevens High School’s 2023 prom will take place May 20 at the Angel of the Winds Arena Ballroom from eight PM to 11 PM. There will be no entry after ten PM. The prom theme this year is Old Hollywood,...

Creative campaigns: Juniors Mackenzie Conniff (left) and Lucie Grimes (right) post promotional posters around the school. ASB officer candidates worked hard to stand out from their competition.

ASB Executive Officers draft plans for upcoming school year

Monica Velasquez, Editor in Chief April 12, 2023

March 10, Sophomores and Juniors attended the campaign speeches of ASB Officer candidates in the gymnasium. These speeches allowed students to narrow their vote for who they wanted to represent the school....

Presentation ready: Junior Amelia Vasquez and senior Miguel Cervantes present a project outline, accompanied by a speech at LSHS. LSHS recently hosted a regional star event with nine schools in attendance.

LSHS boasts competitive FCCLA chapter members

Elliott Chappel, News Editor March 2, 2023

Most recently, LSHS hosted a regional competition on Jan. 21. Here, fifty-five members from across nine different schools competed for the chance to advance to a state level competition. Members who scored...

Creating impact: Josh Binda and the BSU of LSHS bring back the voice of Dr. King. The students and staff of Lake Stevens High School celebrated the legacy and memory of Dr. King with the annual MLK Day Assembly.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s voice continues to impact students at Lake Stevens

Josephine Wilcox, Editor-in-Chief February 7, 2023

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought throughout the Civil Rights Movement to create justice for people regardless of their skin color and to spread the idea of peace and love to the country. He believed violence...

On the Lookout: Last December, NHS members, (left to right) seniors McKaden Hein, Ian Allenfort, and junior Andrew Winston, senior Franco Vidal, juniors Anthony Craig, Ivan Dimabayao and Elissa Hong pose with Principal Ivelia (center) in front of the school. The group searched the area for prospective locations for the Little Free Library.

National Honor Society introduces a Little Free Library to campus

Monica Velasquez, Features Editor January 24, 2023

Everybody loves a good book, but engaging literature isn’t always easily accessible. In March, members of the National Honor Society plan to ease this problem by bringing a Little Free Library to LSHS.  The...

Feedback: Left to right- seniors Abby Ray, Lauren Ruble, Dr. Monica Meadows, Dr. Ken Collins, senior Ethan Maples. Students spent their fourth period on Jan. 19 discussing topics like attendance and inclusivity.

LSHS students weigh in on policy change

Elliott Chappel, News Editor January 24, 2023

The Lake Stevens School District began using student feedback in future decisions starting in 2019. Student viewpoints at both the school and district level are being taken into consideration for new policies...

Making progress: The Lake Stevens Costco opens. Construction on the 170,000 square foot warehouse and its 30 gas pumps started back in early August. “I think it’s a great addition that is being implemented off the highway,” senior Ryan Giuliacci said.

Lake Stevens establishes new shopping and dining opportunities along Highway 9

Elliott Chappel and Isaac Olson, News Editor and Staff Reporter December 15, 2022

Lake Stevens has begun expanding, incorporating new businesses in previously undeveloped areas of the city. Despite struggles with permits, along with both excited and upset residents, city officials believe...

Upcoming events

Makena Keller, Staff Reporter December 13, 2022

Dropdowns no more: Students at LSHS face struggles with the restrictions on the school-administered Chromebooks. Last school year, students started to notice certain things including the “People also ask” feature, the Google games and more were blocked from the school’s Chromebooks while on school wifi. “I did find that some of the dropdowns could be pretty useful. They reworded my question or whatnot slightly differently,” junior Gabriel Alyor said.

School removes specific special features from students

Josephine Wilcox, Editor-in-Chief November 14, 2022

The dropdowns on Google should be made available again for the students of Lake Stevens High School because it gives students another resource when it comes to school work. Making it easier to find information...

Making connections: Sophomore Daymen Schmuck and junior Miracle Ohiri share a conversation after being paired for an activity. Students worked in pairs for short activities, as well as groups of eight for longer games. “You're a Viking, and I'm a Viking, so we already have one thing in common,” Principal Leslie Ivelia said.

Breaking Down the Walls returns to Lake Stevens High

Elliott Chapell, Staff Reporter November 9, 2022

Breaking Down the Walls program made its return to LSHS during the week of Sept. 26-30. Students were given the opportunity to participate in the program for a full day of activities with one goal in mind...

Local protest against Roe v. Wade located to Everett, WA

Local protest against Roe v. Wade located to Everett, WA

Conan Rinehardt, News Section Editor May 25, 2022

Watch senior Conan Rinehardt's on-scene report from the protest on May 14.