Voting is the best way to create changes in our country. Many seniors at LSHS are eligible to vote in the 2024 election; however, those who actually vote will be a small minority. There are many issues...
Lake Stevens High School’s 2023 prom will take place May 20 at the Angel of the Winds Arena Ballroom from eight PM to 11 PM. There will be no entry after ten PM.
The prom theme this year is Old Hollywood,...
March 10, Sophomores and Juniors attended the campaign speeches of ASB Officer candidates in the gymnasium. These speeches allowed students to narrow their vote for who they wanted to represent the school....
Most recently, LSHS hosted a regional competition on Jan. 21. Here, fifty-five members from across nine different schools competed for the chance to advance to a state level competition. Members who scored...
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought throughout the Civil Rights Movement to create justice for people regardless of their skin color and to spread the idea of peace and love to the country. He believed violence...
Everybody loves a good book, but engaging literature isn’t always easily accessible. In March, members of the National Honor Society plan to ease this problem by bringing a Little Free Library to LSHS.
The Lake Stevens School District began using student feedback in future decisions starting in 2019. Student viewpoints at both the school and district level are being taken into consideration for new policies...
Lake Stevens has begun expanding, incorporating new businesses in previously undeveloped areas of the city. Despite struggles with permits, along with both excited and upset residents, city officials believe...
The dropdowns on Google should be made available again for the students of Lake Stevens High School because it gives students another resource when it comes to school work. Making it easier to find information...
Breaking Down the Walls program made its return to LSHS during the week of Sept. 26-30. Students were given the opportunity to participate in the program for a full day of activities with one goal in mind...