Successful finish for LSHS Hi-Q
The HI-Q team at the state competition was constantly in the lead and at the end they made a huge lead taking home a second place title.
April 13, 2017
We are very proud to announce that the Lake Stevens Hi-Q team consisting of senior Elizabeth Stanton, senior Hayden Davis, senior Derek Magruder, and Zoey Gonzalez have taken another second place title home at the state competition. This is their third time in a row placing second. Each individual had worked very hard all season to prepare themselves and the team for this moment and clearly all the hard work has finally paid off for them all.
“I feel like we definitely continued the legacy of kids from past years, we definitely had a lot of fun. Usually kids in Hi-Q receive materials to read and are given questions from their readings, so it takes a lot of preparation,” senior Zoey Gonzalez.
We want to recognize the Hi-Q team and all their hard work they put in to have the type of successful season they did. They have proudly carried themselves to such an amazing finish and have continued the legacy of the Hi-Q team. It took not one, but all to do the things they did and continue to do. As the season comes to a closing, the team consist solely of seniors and we are sad to be saying goodbye, but proud of what they left for the next generation to take on.