2021 has seen an increase in anti-transgender legislation in many states across the country. The mental impacts on the Transgender community as a result of anti-transgender legislation are severe and are...
On Tuesday, April 20 in Columbus, Ohio, 16 year old African American Ma’Khia Bryant called police pleading for help because she was being attacked by girls in her neighborhood. Once police officers arrived...
After a year-long battle against the novel coronavirus, newly developed COVID-19 vaccines are being rolled out to protect the human population. The first dose of this COVID-19 vaccine was administered...
College basketball!!! Change is being made and the women are getting what they deserve. Strictly because an athlete had shared photos and videos showing how they were being treated. “These women want...
At the beginning of the pandemic, all forms of travel were intensely shut down to protect the people of America and the world from the fast spreading coronavirus. It has been over a year since the pandemic...
Small businesses have been hurt from Covid-19 through the past year. From not being able to have their doors open, to only have so many in the facility. The economic shutdown caused by the pandemic has...
The class of 2021 had most things taken away from them this year, from football games to prom to an in-person graduation ceremony, but one thing these seniors are able to participate in is senior assassin....
COVID-19 has affected the world in many ways. One notable example is school closures. Distance learning has been a seemingly lackluster substitute for in-person class, leaving some students disappointed.
Lake Stevens teachers started getting COVID vaccines after moving up the vaccine priority list to be first in line for vaccinations on Mar. 2. Teachers receiving vaccines brings hope that their jobs will...
The coronavirus has had an impact on all of us - it has taken family members and friends from us. Until recently, coronavirus had taken sports from us as well. The WIAA has made the decision to let high...
On Thursday, Feb.18, the Perseverance Rover landed on the surface of Mars, with a mission of searching for signs of ancient life. The rover is also collecting rock samples for a hopeful return to Earth....
This school year has been a series of unknowns tossed into the air with no knowledge of when the other shoe will drop. Attending school and what that looks like during Covid-19 may change as vaccines roll...