Senioritis hits Lake Stevens
LSHS senior suffers from the late stages of senioritis. The coffee has worn off and has left the student helpless, unable to find motivation in his final days of high school.
June 10, 2019
Senioritis… a disease that has struck the senior class every year, leaving no trace behind. Some studies have suggested that senioritis is only airborne around school campuses, but results are inconsistent and difficult to analyze.
Drowsiness, laziness, loss of motivation and a drastic reduction in work completed in class are common symptoms found among those who have contracted the disease. Senioritis is no joke, and we want to inform the current, and future senior class of ways to suppress the effects of the disease… before it’s too late.
The effects intensify as the school year goes on. Simple tasks become harder and harder for the body to complete.
“I’ve had senioritis for a month now, and it’s come to the point where I can’t even pick up my pencil,” senior Kaylie Hoskin said.
Symptoms of senioritis may vary in different ways. Seniors most commonly experience loss of motivation, which then leads to other, more dangerous, symptoms as the year goes by.
There are many known ways to cope with senioritis. The most common coping method is coffee.
“Coffee has done wonders and has cursed me. I find myself looking for coffee when I don’t need it,” senior Kaylie Bracy said.
Senioritis is something we can live without, and if we work together, seniors will have the motivation and strength to finish the school year with the strength to spare.