Does senioritis affect the level to which you enjoy or succeed in your senior year?
Seniors at Lake Stevens share their opinions about how senioritis impacts their lives
Many students in the class of 2016 suffer from senioritis and the only cure is graduation. “I think senioritis is silly. A lot of times I think it’s an excuse for a lot of people to give up, or be lazy or an excuse for people to think they don’t need to put any effort into the end of their high school career. Don’t get me wrong, I am looking forward to graduating and moving on to the next part of my life, but that doesn’t mean I deserve the right to be a bum and not respect what I am expected to do for the rest of the year,” said senior Amanda Anderson. The debate is still active as students argue weather senioritis is well deserved from years of working hard or just an excuse for seniors to cast away their responsibilities.
April 25, 2016
It’s inevitable in every senior’s life. It’s at the end of the school year, and the things that once brought so much stress no longer matter in the same way because of the realization that they’re simply not as important as buying a dress for prom, planning a graduation party, or getting a summer job. Some call it laziness, others realistic, but most call it senioritis.
But could the things that seniors seem to lose interest in be inhibiting them from enjoying senior year to it’s fullest potential?
To a certain extent, the answer is yes. While boasting about the “struggle” of senioritis can be entertaining, it ultimately gives an excuse not to do what is necessary at times.
Being a senior means that it’s the end – school is almost finished – but to give up just before winning the race would be insane.
“I think senioritis can definitely affect your success in academics throughout the year. The effects of “Senioritis” include skipping school and I know people whose grades have dramatically dropped since second semester started due to skipping. Senioritis is the countdown to graduation, the countdown to summer, to be done with high school forever. Having senioritis means you have already clocked out of school and your effort becomes minimal to none. This all adds up to contributing to a non successful senior year,” said senior Tamara Sevao
On the other hand, some would argue that students have been working hard all throughout school and deserve senior year as a “break.”
“I don’t think Senioritis affects the way you enjoy or succeed in your senior year at all! Seniors have worked hard for the past 13 years of school and I think that senior year is the school year where they can finally kind of relax and enjoy being a kind for just a little bit longer. Senioritis is a privilege,” said senior Nathaniel Cody.
Working hard for thirteen years of school is tiring, and most seniors feel ready to be done as soon as spring break is over. Students have heard back from the schools they have applied to and are set with their plans for the next four years, thus they determine that the rest of their senior year is pointless. But senioritis can be an excuse for a lot of people who are just sick of school and want to be done.
That feeling is understandable, because many students are ready to live their lives and not have to worry about homework. But the reality is, senioritis is acceptable but only as long as it’s not used as an excuse to do poorly in school. Senior year is supposed to be filled with excitement and craziness and working hard to get to this point. It happens to everyone. It’s ok to have fun and goof off; it’s the last year of high school and it’s meant to be fun. As long as seniors still stay motivated and don’t completely give up there won’t be side effects such as the risk of not being able to graduate.
Simply stated, don’t stop running before the race is done.
Seniors can work hard and still have fun while being successful. The seniors of the Class of 2016 are about to embark on the greatest journeys of their lives; don’t wish senior year away, but rather enjoy every moment and finish strong.