Consider adding Journalism to your schedule
Journalism offers opportunities for students to express their creativity and freedom of speech
Trying to decide which elective class to add to your schedule for next year can seem daunting. Making sure that you choose a class that is write for your interests and personality is important. Valhalla staff member Brittney Wood feels like she made the right choice choosing Journalism. “I’m glad I chose Journalism because I get to write about things that matter and become even more involved with me school,” Wood said.
February 29, 2016
Although the early stages of registration may be over at LSHS, it’s not too late to make an adjustment to your schedule and add a class that could change your entire year. While English, math, science, and history classes are a given, choosing electives for the next school year can feel daunting. On behalf of The Valhalla staff, we’d love to formally pitch to you our reasoning for why students should consider adding Journalism to their schedule.
Journalism is a collaborative, student run, and engaging class. Unlike most English classes, students have the opportunity to write about whatever they’d like. Whether it be an issue in the community, an interesting classmate, or a trend in pop culture, The Valhalla has a section for any interest a student journalist may have.
The Valhalla also has a variety of positions open for interested students as well. If you love writing, being a Staff Reporter or Section Editor is perfect for you. If writing isn’t your passion, then a Staff Photographer position is right up your alley.
Journalism students also have the opportunity to cover events during and outside of the school day, and talk to a plethora of interesting figures on campus. Sporting events, classes on campus and clubs are often covered in the publication, and one of the best parts of being on The Valhalla is that students get an insider view.
There are no prerequisites for the class; the journalistic writing style is taught in class during the first couple weeks of the course. Students do not need to have their own cameras either, as the class has its own.
While there is a plethora of interesting elective classes available at LSHS, Journalism provides a unique experience unlike any other on campus. Sophomores and juniors, before you click submit on your registration form on Skyward, make sure to check out and consider joining The Valhalla staff for the 2016-2017 school year.