The AP exams are coming up fast
Here are some studying tips to help review.
Mr.Newtons first period AP Language and Composition class writing practice essays for the upcoming exam. The AP Language and Composition exam takes place on May 10th.
April 12, 2017
With AP Exams week just around the corner, teachers and students are trying their best to cram in last-minute information. Instead of procrastinating till the last minute to study two semesters’ worth of content, here are some tips that can help now and in the days leading up to the exams.
- After school study sessions: Junior Carly White, currently enrolled AP Language and Composition said, “Normally teachers hold after school sessions which can be helpful for exam practice and refresh your brain on past topics.” With multiple AP classes throughout our school, many teachers will offer study sessions that can help with reviewing content learned months ago. Some English and history classes hold an after school test similar to the length of the exam, which is usually around three hours. These sessions are particularly beneficial since it provides an opportunity to ask teachers questions regarding the exam and simulate the exam environment.
- Continuous Review: Looking back on months of content two days before the exam can not only be extremely time consuming but also mentally tiring, causing it to be harder to process the information. Instead, slowly peel back each week and refresh your brain of the information you learned from the beginning all the way to the end. Continuously look over past concepts once or twice a week and it will save you from pulling an all-nighter the night before.
- Crash Course Videos: For most AP History classes content is crammed into the class period just days before the exam since there are so many events to cover. One way to review previous chapters is using Crash Course History YouTube videos. Typically, John Green has uploaded videos covering major events in World History, U.S History and European History. Each video is about 10 or so minutes long and is helpful when reviewing key concepts and details throughout history. AP student sophomore Jenna Kumasaka said, “I’ll probably be watching a lot of Crash Course since it goes over multiple topics in history and is a good way to review.”
- Staying Organized: In AP classes, you are given fairly large amounts of work and over time it piles up. An efficient way to keep all of your information and assignments organized is by a filing cabinet to organize papers by chapter or separate binders to keep all your information in order. This will help you find what you need quicker and save the stress of digging through piles of work later on.
- Staying on Top of Grades: AP exams are known to be nerve-racking, difficult and extremely stressful. While exam week may feel like the only thing in the world that matters at the time, you do have to recognize that you have other class work as well. Studying and reviewing will help you with the exam; however, remember that you have other priorities as well. It’s common for AP students to make exams their main priority and allow their other normal class grades to drop. In this case be aware of your other classes and make sure you acknowledge that there is more to school than just AP. Sophomore Riley Headland will be taking two AP exams in May and said, “I’ll probably try to do my studying at the after school sessions and work on my other class work when I get home or before I go to bed.”
- Morning Before: Making sure you studied enough for the exam may be priority, but the night and morning before are crucial to your mindset. Getting enough sleep and eating a healthy breakfast can make a major difference once you get into the final hours of the exam. Try eating eggs, yogurt or any protein packed foods that will provide you with energy and keep you from going hungry. Another aspect to think about could be clothing choice. While it may be the last of your worries, it may be worthwhile to think about making sure you are comfortable for the duration of the test. Whether you go for comfy sweatpants or a nice T-shirt for the look good, feel good vibes, just make sure you feel comfortable and confident.
- Positive Mindset: Nerves and stress may have you doubting yourself, but rather than scaring yourself any more with negative thoughts, think positively and it will help calm your nerves. Just remember that this is a college level test and it’s not going to be easy. Keep an open mind and positive attitude and you will likely feel more confident while taking the exam.
Overall, try not to procrastinate your studying and keep in mind that the College Board designed this test to be purposely difficult. It may not be easy but you will get through it and all the hard work will pay off. Below is a link to the College Board website AP exam dates, don’t forget to mark your calendars!