Seniors step into responsibility by voting for their first election

Young people need to let their opinion be heard

Destiny Osutanya, Staff Reporter

votingHayley Cadonau
Election day is tomorrow. Many U.S. citizens are taking this time to decide who to vote for based on who they believe will be the best fit for our country. Every presidential election year, there are young people who have the opportunity to voice their opinion through their vote. The only problem is that many young voters tend not to vote because politics do not suit their interests as much as it did older generations and with that their voices are not heard leaving all the power up to older citizens. It’s crucial for young people to be heard through politics because we, as the young generation, will impact how our country will be ran in the future.

Some lucky students that attend LSHS are eligible to vote as long as their 18th birthday was  before November 8. The real concern is whether or not these students are actually going to go out there and voice their opinion on election day. One reason a lot young people don’t vote is because they feel it won’t matter if they vote or not.  

“If you don’t vote you can’t complain about who get’s picked,” senior Sadie Howard said.

When a person votes, they are simply making a difference by speaking up. The United States is a democracy and with that it allows all its citizens to voice their opinions freely on major issues. The founding fathers allowed such a democracy when they helped shape and build what we call the United States today.

“Voting is a responsibility because you are choosing who runs our country,” senior Elise Hastings said.

Young voters show what direction our country is heading based on who they elect for president. It was shown through previous election years that some candidates were greatly favored by younger people showing that they are a diverse group with differing opinions compared to older generations.

More young people need to get involved with what is happening in politics. Luckily some people already are.

“Politics interests because it let’s me know what is happening with our nation,” senior Trevor Schultz said.

If more young voters become involved with politics, it will allow our voice to be better presented through the political field of our society.

All opinions matter and young people’s voices need to be heard through politics. If you are 18 and want to speak your mind don’t hesitate to go out and vote. Allow your vote to be your voice and don’t allow your voice to go unheard!