Life skill sports create connections with other students
The strong relationship that was built with just a special Olympic program added
Life Skill Students work as a whole and use teamwork to build a strong relationships, allowing the to have fun…” seeing them laugh and smile for random things makes them happy and others around them” senior Cindy Perez
January 22, 2018
Life skill students strive to interact in additional outside activities, such as swimming, bowling, and basketball. The Special Olympic program lets them have a passion and other interactions beyond school.
The Special Olympics has provided many competitive opportunities for students with special needs. Both students and teachers believe that participating in Special Olympics changes their interaction with others. The more involved students get, the better communication they will have. The sports that Special Olympics offer vary based on interest, but many of the sports that are found in schools, such as basketball, soccer, football and swimming.
“I think it will bring more money.” junior Ashley Martin said.
Martin also believes that there should be a Special Olympic program at school instead of having to spend money on the cost of a different location.
Students benefit with involvement in school activities, and students with special need are no different than any other student. Teachers would love to see the program added to our school because they believe that their students will be represented and be presented with new opportunities to interact with others.
“I want the special need to be represented in school,” Lake Stevens teacher Tami Arnsbarger said.
The purpose of the Special Olympic program is for them to have the capacity to achieve anything and be noticed as an individual for their amount of effort, whether it’s going to state of just getting a prize for their achievement.
Sophomore Sarah Mulvey would also like so see a Special Olympics program added to Lake Stevens High School and sees it as a way to gain more independence. All in all, there needs to be a Special Olympics chapter or group at every school because not many schools have it, and the Special Olympic program provides students with a whole different level to compete.