Sadie says

Lucas: How should I prioritize my studying, especially with finals coming up?

Sadie: Studying for finals can be a total pain. Make sure to study for the finals you know are going to be the most difficult first. Also maybe study in order of class finals you have so you’re prepared for the first couple of finals you have. But here are some tips to help you out. First of all, don’t procrastinate. The more you wait, the more stressful it’s going to be in the end. Jump right in and get started. Secondly, meet with your teachers if you have questions or are confused. While studying, take breaks every 90 minutes or so. Your brain only will take in so much information at a time before becoming distracted, and that’s why cramming for tests doesn’t work very well. You could also form a study group to get  some of your peers help can really help you prepare and vice versa. Lastly, quiz yourself. It’ll help you remember and retain all the information you need for your finals. But the most important thing to remember is to be positive. If you study well and keep calm, you’re going to do great. Good luck!

Kayla:  I’m having a hard time in school, because I’m trying to juggle friends, work, school and my relationship. It’s all so hard to handle successfully, any advice?  

Sadie:  I definitely understand having a hard time juggling work, a social life and school all at the same time. The key is to prioritize, school is very important for the future, so making more time for homework and studying might be a good idea. Working, especially after school or during the weekends, can really put a damper on anyone’s social life. In those few hours before or after work, try making plans with your friends or with your significant other. You could even form a study group with your friends so that you’re getting work done but also making time to socialize. Also, consider investing in a planner. Writing your schedule down might make it easier and less stressful for you to plan ahead. 24 hours is definitely not enough time in a day for a busy teenager.