Layer up and shred

Photo courtesy of Creative Commons
The mountain tops are covered white and the snow powdered. Head to Stevens Pass and go shred with all your friends and families.
January 19, 2017
It’s winter time; the mountains are white and the snow just keeps falling. Snowboarding and skiing are very popular activities for many teens. Many Lake Stevens students have taken many trips up to Stevens Pass this year and are continuing to do so.
Junior Shelbe Abbott stated, “I snowboard. This year I have only been up once but I’m going again soon and I want to go up more, I’ve just been gone. I’ve been going up for the last four years but took a year break. I either like to go early in the morning when the snow is fresh or late at night because there’s less people.”
Someone could be doing this for years or never have done it before and you’ll still have the same amount of fun as you did the first time you’ve ever tried.
Students have been trying so many new things this year and snowboarding and skiing have definitely become a popular sport this winter.
Senior Justin Gallimore said,“I snowboard, but haven’t had the chance to get up to Stevens yet. I’ve been doing it for four years. I love getting up early mornings and seeing the sun come up along the mountain tops,” senior Justin Gallimore said.
Try something new this winter get out of the house take a trip up to Stevens it could be worth your while.
Sophomore Cameron Webb said, “I’m a skier. I have been going up to Stevens since I was 12. I normally like going up during the day and I have only been up two times this year. I love going up to Stevens, the adrenaline builds and it’s one of the most exciting rushes you can possibly find,” sophomore Cameron Webb said,
We would love to hear more about your experiences in the snow this year. Make sure to get up to Stevens before it is too late, stay warm, be safe and shred!