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Student views on Lake news


Student views on Lake news


Student views on Lake news



Time to prep for finals! Mr. Flanders and senior Arielle Paris take time in class to catch up before finals week begins. Flex Period has also helped other schools and students prepare for finals without having time taken from class reviews. “It would be great to have time to work with individuals during the school day other than our already assigned class periods,” said Mr. Flanders.

Should we bring back Viking Period?

Kaylee Krause, Photographer January 28, 2020

In previous years here at LSHS, we had what was called Viking Period or more recently Flex Period. During these periods teachers covered the student handbook, 13 year plan and digital citizenship. Other...

Black Friday: Inside the minds of shoppers

Black Friday: Inside the minds of shoppers

Selah DeLong, Photographer December 5, 2019

Doorbuster Deals? Black Friday has quickly become one of the most popular holidays in America. However, many news sites and broadcastings have highlighted the hazards of Black Friday. Not only is this...

Let’s! Go! Lake! Lake Stevens Vikings Superfans preparing for the first playoff football game. All the students showed their spirit by being in viking gear. “There so much fun with alot of energy!”

The best parts about Viking spirit at LSHS

Christine Cannal, Staff Reporter December 5, 2019

Having pride in your school is an amazing thing to experience, whether it is participating in clubs, buying Viking gear at the Cove, or involving yourself in things such as musicals or sports. Our community...

Favorite part of thanksgiving

Favorite part of thanksgiving

Jake Kirkland, Section editor December 4, 2019

November is the time of the year where the weather is cold, the leaves are falling from the trees, and people Aren't shaving their faces. Thanksgiving is a holiday where we celebrate the people we thank...

The cheerleaders are brightening up the class of 2022

Are traditions worth keeping at Lake Stevens High School?

Jake Kirkland, Section editor October 29, 2019

     There are many traditions at Lake Stevens High School. There's old ones and new ones and many more to come in the near future. I believe that traditions mean a lot to our school, and it shows others...

The stop sign is a metaphor that students can’t leave during school hours

Adults, or Still Children?

Talen Anderson, Staff reporter October 29, 2019

The role of a student in high school is complex. The school holds its students to the expectations of an adult but treats students as children. Where is the middle ground? Many students attending high...

Juniors Rayna Gaillardet and Cheyenne Kriede study for their finals together to make the process easier and less stressful. They focused on helping each other and spending time with one another. “Having Cheyenne to study with really helps me deal with the stress of finals. I also have her to help me when I’m confused about something,” Gaillardet said.

Being a junior: Tips & Tricks

Emma Crumley, Copy Editor June 18, 2019

Everyone says that junior year is the hardest. For me personally, it definitely was compared to sophomore year. This article is meant to help those who don’t know how to handle the stress of being a...

SAY CHEESE: Sophomores Gunnar France, Olivia Kunaschk, Carson Jackson, Sydney Hanson, Lauren Schulz, and Liam Palmer pose for a photo like the ones seen on the covers of college pamphlets. These students were excited for the end of the year coming up. “It’s been a long year of studying and prepping for the rest of my life, and now I can take a few months off and relax,” Schulz said.

Look to the future

Nadia Tucey, A&E Editor June 18, 2019

Everyone knows what comes after high school: more school. Getting into a good college is ultimately what many students strive for, and they spend their high school years making that opportunity more likely....

LSHS Seniors light up the night during the annual Homecoming football game.

Seniors favorite moments in high school

Kayto Krueger, Staff Reporter June 10, 2019

Brian Call “My favorite moment was tolo when the theme was Disney duos.” Maizy Florez “My favorite moment in high school was the high school football games.” Darby Papaw “My...

Moon Signs: Why we act the way we do

Moon Signs: Why we act the way we do

Julia Pinheiro de Oliviera, Copy Editor June 10, 2019

Moon signs are where the moon was placed when a person was born. They determine emotions and influence how people act according to their own. It messes with the subconscious of humans. Even if people don’t...

LSHS senior suffers from the late stages of senioritis. The coffee has worn off and has left the student helpless, unable to find motivation in his final days of high school.

Senioritis hits Lake Stevens

Kayto Krueger, Staff Reporter June 10, 2019

Senioritis… a disease that has struck the senior class every year, leaving no trace behind. Some studies have suggested that senioritis is only airborne around school campuses, but results are inconsistent...

Sarah Hole holds up a sign that says ‘I Have Anxiety’ to illustrate the number of students suffering from anxiety.

Is Anxiety Overlooked in the Educational System?

Sara Daniels, Staff Reporter May 8, 2019 defines anxiety as “distress or uneasiness of the mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune”. Many individuals struggle with anxiety. As an individual dealing with anxiety, it can...