Mackenzie Conniff, Social Media Editor

![Homework pile up? You're not alone. A variety of students struggle with homework overload. The overwhelming pressure to complete homework for multiple classes on time has built on the stress of teenagers for far too long and has caused them to lose sleep and possibly develop other health issues. "[Out of 10] my stress levels are at a 7," sophomore Colin Surridge said.](https://i0.wp.com/lshsvalhalla.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/2H4Oi3hHsmelnt8b0ug6L5lVjQWy233UFHaBHa2d.png?fit=900%2C900&ssl=1)
Too much homework causes overload in teens
Assigning large amounts of schoolwork is counterproductive and increases students' stress levels
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Four-day work weeks should be the new norm
With a maximum of 32 hours a week, full-time employees benefit greatly from implementing this less-stress concept.
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[Photo] Emilie James
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