Has distance learning negatively affected the mental health of students?
Lake Stevens High School students give their input on distance learning and its effect on their learning and mental health.
Senior Rebekah Kurtenbach stuggles to take notes and to turn in her homework on time. “Distance learning makes things so much harder on me because I always lose track of my assignments,” Kurtenbach said.
Since the United States has been struck with Coronavirus, school has been online for most districts in Washington. For many students, distance learning creates a dissociation from school work, learning, teachers and peers, which could potentially have harmful effects on one’s mental health. On the other hand, some students enjoy distance learning more because it provides a more open schedule for them during the day which allows them to do things during the day, not just “after school”.
Although students are continuing their learning for school, they are still lacking the social aspect of going to school. Little to no social interaction can lead to poor mental health and the feeling of loneliness.
Also, it is important to consider the fact that a student’s homelife might be toxic for them, so learning from home can either become a distraction or an even worse learning environment.
“I think distance learning has taken a toll on my mental health because I’ve been way more stressed than I have been in a long time, and I feel more sad and lonely since I can’t see most of my friends,” sophomore Brynne Shipman said. “I am not getting as much help as I would if we were physically in school,” Shipman added.
Many students are feeling the struggles of not being able to have a “hands-on” learning environment. Motivation within students has drastically changed. Is it from the way of learning? Assignments and work load? Or the fact that students are home all day long?
Junior Olivia Paduano has noticed a decline in her energy level and motivation to do distance learning, which has caused her greater stress.
“I feel like mentally, I’m not as happy when doing my school work at home. I get distracted and then get so stressed when I have so much to do,” Paduano said.
Being home from school has taken a toll on many students. However, there are still the other students that enjoy staying home.
Not only are we experiencing a pandemic, but also experiencing the mental health effects from it. Students are counting down the days until the school year is over, so they can hope that the next one is back to normal.