Class of 2021 starts to take on the world after high school
Seniors this year plan on expanding their life outside of high school, whether that is college or straight into the workforce.
Seniors Plans after Graduation: Senior McKenna Michaelson plans on attending Washington State in the fall to pursue a major in Business Management and Marketing, and a minor in Human Resources. Michaelson has dreamt of going to Washington State since she was two years old. ¨I have always wanted to be a Coug, When I found out that I had gotten accepted I was so happy and excited for the future,¨ Michealson stated.
June 7, 2021 Lake Stevens High School seniors will be graduating and expanding their wings. Everyone in the Class of 2021, has their own direction in which they are going. Some students decided to go to a community college, or the military or even a 4-year university. Every student has their own reasoning and desire to do what they want in life.
¨I chose to go to a Community College to become a teacher for early development, like a preschool or kindergarten teacher. Most of my family has been elementary teachers, and I’ve always looked up to them and I also really like working with kids. It makes me happy,¨ senior Savannah Balston who is going to Everett Community College stated.
Some students decided early on what they wanted to do and chose Running Start. Doing this in high school means that you graduate high school with a two-year college degree. This is a great option for students who already know what they want to do in life. This is a great opportunity for students to be able to get going on their college experience early. While some students are doing that, other students of the Class of 2021 still don’t know what they want to pursue in life.
¨I’m scared to be out of high school so soon. I didn’t think that it would happen this fast and to be honest, I don’t think that I am ready for it,¨ senior Lizbeth Hernendez stated.
Various students have taken the route of going to a university, and they have committed to a university of their choice. Students have applied to four-year universities and been admitted, all within the past year. Four-year universities provide continued academics and the experience of independence since most students will be living on college campuses away from their families. Life on campus is one of the biggest changes that the students experience.
¨I am excited to live on campus at Washington State. I definitely am going to miss my family not living here with them, but it’s a short drive to come home and see them. I am nervous to actually start being an adult and doing things on my own without my parents,¨ senior McKenna Michaelson said.
The seniors of this year had a hard time with COVID-19, from missing their last half of junior year to most of their senior year. The graduates have pushed themselves and succeeded in doing it. Many students discovered that doing high school in your bed and on the computer is mentally and physically exhausting. Out of all of the struggles that they got thrown at them, they have pursued and conquered high school, next up adulthood! Congratulations to the Class of 2021.