Bathrooms Remain Closed Effectively Preventing Devious Licks
Administrators struggle to open bathrooms around the campus while still keeping them safe.
Temporarily Closed: These signs can be seen around the campus on closed bathroom doors. Many students felt mislead when first reading “temporarily” closed, under the impression that the closure was for maintenance or an issue that wouldn’t keep the bathrooms closed for the whole school year.
Not too long into the school year, bathrooms around our campus were closed due to students stealing school property as a trend on social media.
The initial closure upset many students, as going to the bathroom was now a walk across the campus to the only open bathroom, followed by a long wait in line.
For many students, going to the bathroom was no longer a worthy trip to make as the time spent walking to the only open bathroom just to have to wait for others to finish took too much class time.
“I think that after the initial onset of the devious lick trend, closing the bathrooms quickly became an inconvenience,” senior Lukas Seibel said.
Although the inconvenience of closing the bathrooms around the campus is apparent, it is also a tough situation for the administrators to work around.
For obvious reasons, administrators cannot monitor what happens inside of the bathrooms other than having administrators in the area, and even then, monitoring the bathrooms all day is not a viable option.
Many students who partook in the trend were caught and disciplined earlier this year, but the bathrooms remained closed likely due to the severity of stealing school property and limitations the administrators have over being able to monitor the bathrooms.
“Going to the only open bathroom at school takes much more time that could be spent in class learning,” Seibel said.
Over time, certain bathrooms around classrooms and more monitored areas have opened again, but those in less supervised areas have remained closed.
The closure of bathrooms around the campus was for valid reasons that the staff and administrators at the school have been attempting to deal with, but many students believe that the closure of the bathrooms is not effective in preventing potential safety hazards.
Although having only a few bathrooms open around the school makes a trip to the bathroom take much longer, but there isn’t much else the administrators at our school can do to prevent students from stealing property from inside of the bathrooms.
Despite the inconvenience of only having one or just a few bathrooms open, the closures are effective in preventing students from stealing school property.