Beginning Dec. 13, 2024, I visited the Philippines to explore the many cultural differences between the Philippines and American culture. Whether it was food, infrastructure, community, or currency, I experienced these key differences during my two-week stay in the Philippines.
Starting with Filipino currency, it is generally cheaper and effortlessly affordable compared to the American dollar. One American dollar is the equivalent of 58.4 pesos, making the Philippines one of the most affordable countries in the world. During my stay, my mom gave me over 1,000 pesos, which allowed me to buy a meal for my entire family, snacks and toys, all for the price of 20 USD.
In comparison to America, the rising prices of goods have at least doubled in the past year and in my estimation, a family meal at a restaurant would cost more than 20 dollars.
Another notable difference was the food in the Philippines, Rice is considered a staple in the Philippines, and establishments like McDonald’s, Burger King, Pizza Hut and KFC all offer menu items that include rice.
During my stay, I was with my family, and we stopped by McDonald’s to get a quick meal when I noticed how different the menu was compared to America. It was much healthier with meals such as chicken, spaghetti and gravy with a side of rice at every meal.
Similar to Jollibee, which is also a very famous fast food spot that can also be located in Seattle, Tacoma, and Tukwila, each meal can either come with spaghetti or a meat patty in combination with a side of rice.
Beyond food, the infrastructure in the Philippines is extremely different from the US. From my experience of being there, buildings mostly consist of bamboo, leaves, brick and concrete.
My grandma and grandpa’s house is in Bongabon, three hours away from Manila. It is built out of concrete and cinder blocks. Outside are chickens, pigs, dogs and other animals not usually found in an average neighborhood home in Lake Stevens. It is a very natural home surrounded by beautiful palm trees, warm weather and a well-connected community.
In contrast to my house in the United States, it is much quieter, there isn’t much going on and the community is more isolated from one another. My family is also much larger in the Philippines than in America, so there is always something going on, from kids running around to big events and family trips.
Another difference is the culture; for example, I was told to ask my grandma and grandpa for their blessing while I was in the Philippines.
A blessing is when you raise the hand of your grandparents and touch their hand to your forehead; by doing this I was able to pay my respects to my grandparents. I blessed around 20-30 of my grandparents and older relatives during my stay. Usually, I would greet my grandparents with a hello or a hug in America, but this is a much more respectful way of honoring them.
I have learned a lot from this experience including how lucky I am to have these opportunities in America. Throughout my stay here, I have seen families in struggle as well as children who don’t have the opportunity for an education like children in America.
From walking around malls to going into stores, children of all ages would ask for money to provide for their families. The American education system is very different from the Philippines. In the Philippines, school supplies are difficult to afford and students must walk miles to school daily. Although education is free, classes are extensive, teachers don’t get paid well and schools lack proper learning materials.
In the Philippines, poverty is a huge issue, and according to “The national poverty incidence among families in 2023 was recorded at 10.9 percent. This equals 2.99 million Filipino families without enough income to meet their basic food and non-food needs.”
My mom is a huge provider for my family in The Philippines. Since she can work in America, she has provided lots of money for my family and helped my aunt build a home for her children.
Overall, my trip was an amazing experience. I got to see all the different foods, cultural differences and living styles compared to America, and it was nice to revisit my family and relatives.