At some point every high schooler is asked some variation of “What do you want to do in life?” and there are many possible answers. Many students want to go to college or trade schools; others will join the military and some will go straight to work once they finish high school.
But not every student has an answer, that’s why throughout the year at LSHS, visitors come from various companies, organizations and colleges to help students learn about a particular industry or college.
“Get an idea of what the college offers… not every college offers every major and program that a student might be interested in,” says Kim Lafortune, career specialist.
Some students don’t know how to apply or get in contact with the colleges or companies they might want to attend or work at, and it can be daunting. Visitors to the school can give students information about their company or college that a student may not have access to otherwise.
“You can take classes now that will help you in the future, it’s just really helpful to know what you want to do,” Stickney said.
Taking classes in high school is a great way to figure out what kind of career a student might want in the future, but there are so many classes at LSHS that it can be hard to choose the ones that interest a student the most. It is important to talk to the industry and college visitors so they can understand what that college or company is like to narrow down the classes they might take.
“I asked the recruiter where I needed to go to get in and he said, ‘Stop by our office and you can sign up there,’” senior Mickael Terry said.
Terry has been interested in joining the US Marines for a long time, but only recently found out where to enlist thanks to the recruiter who visited the school.
“I kind of thought I’d cross that bridge when I get there,” sophomore Ashley Stickney said.
Many students are unsure of what they want to do after high school, even after they graduate, and talking to the visitors can really help them out.
Evan • Jan 23, 2024 at 7:57 am
Honestly, one of the best news articles I’ve ever read in my life. Very well written this man should be artist for real though.