Social media is something that consumes a lot of time in many people’s lives nowadays, especially for teenagers. It has been a factor that can bring both benefits and setbacks to students and their learning. Finding a balance in their daily amount of social media usage could be crucial to how teenagers think and learn during their high school careers.

Apps such as TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube are some of the most popular social media platforms being used among most high school students today. Over 90% of teenagers in the USA alone tend to spend a significant amount of time using social media on a daily basis. This can influence how teenagers think about themselves, as well as others, and how well they learn at school.
How does Social Media negatively/positively affect a student’s everyday life?
Several different factors play into how a teenager’s everyday life is affected by social media. Teens and social media use: What’s the impact? – Mayo Clinic mentions that this includes what the person is exposed to online, the amount of time spent on social media, psychological factors like maturity levels and pre-existing mental health conditions, as well as circumstances in their personal life such as social, cultural, and economic components.

Although social media is a main source of entertainment for our generation, it can also be a great distraction in a student’s daily life. Spending too much time on social media apps can draw attention away from other important basic factors in a teenager’s life such as schoolwork, sleep schedules, and social activities. On the other hand, social media can help a teen express themselves, stay connected with friends and family, be up to date with news and technology and learn new skills.
How does Social Media negatively/positively affect student mental health?
Based on research, large amounts of time spent on social media by teenagers can result in negative psychological effects on the brain. Some of these outcomes include anxiety, depression, stress, social comparison, negative thoughts and even strong feelings of envy. Social media usage has also been linked to changes within teen brain development. This can cause a person to be more sensitive to social feedback than others. According to What Are the Positives of Social Media for Teens?, social media addiction is a risk because the brain responds to interaction with technology in the same way that it does to drugs. Additionally, teenagers can become exposed to outcomes like cyberbullying and harassment online, have false perceptions of reality as well as develop negative self-esteem and body image.
Despite the negative effects and drawbacks of social media usage amongst high school students, there is some good that can come from it. Impacts of Social Media on Students states that 58% of teenagers feel more accepted and that they have a community they can turn to because of social media. Teens can also use social media platforms as a way to find resources for starting good habits, express their personal opinions or beliefs and even find positive and inspiring role models online.
How does Social Media negatively/positively affect student learning?
Social media has also become a big distraction for many high school students because it takes their focus away from the importance of learning at school and being caught up on schoolwork. Students at Lake Stevens High School were surveyed and asked how social media impacts their learning while in high school. Some students say that because of social media, they become constantly distracted, lazier, and have developed shortened attention spans. It interferes with students’ focus on school and can cause them to worry about the wrong things, like the urge to constantly check their apps and may make it difficult to be genuine around others.

According to How Does Social Media Affect School Performance? – VujaDay Creative Digital Agency, too much time spent on social media leads to less time for studying and lower grades, as well as negatively impacted study habits. Scrolling through social media apps can also cause students to lose track of time, which then for example, affects how on time students’ assignments are turned in or completed. However, students can also at times use social media as a helpful tool for school. It can be a way for students to connect with teachers and peers to work together and receive school-based information and also use educational resources for their benefit.
In what ways can students reduce Social Media use and improve their learning?
Social media use amongst students comes with both its benefits and its drawbacks. While it can be a big distraction for students and can cause some negative mental health and learning effects, social media can also be a great tool to use and can help teenagers learn new things. This is why it is important for students to use social media platforms in moderation and find a balance between spending time on apps and creating good learning habits in their everyday lives.
Most teenagers have the choice to moderate their screen time and they should learn to use it for their benefit. How to avoid social media distraction while studying | Victoria University lists several ways that teens can balance their time spent on social media. Some of these include self restrain and screen time limits on certain apps, powering off your phone and keeping it out of reach, creating a schedule that lets you go on social media for a certain amount of time in the day, keeping track of where your time is going and finding another activities to do that will distract you from spending time on social media.
If self-discipline is difficult, deleting apps or partaking in a “social media cleanse” could be a way to help “screenagers” disconnect from their social media addictions.“I feel like solutions vary based on each person because like, everybody works differently at their own pace, but it really depends on if they’re willing to put in the effort to do their work and put their phone down.” senior Rena Libanag said.
Regulating their time spent online can help increase the amount of time that students have for studying and doing their homework, as well as quality time with their friends and family.