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Student views on Lake news


Student views on Lake news


Student views on Lake news



LSHS first round of busses leave early right after the bell but get students home more quickly.

Round One Buses Leave Right After the Bell

Maria Andrade, Graphic Designer April 15, 2024

The bells ring at 2:45 p.m. Kids clamor to get to their target destination – the bus loop. Kids who regularly ride the bus to and from school know that LSHS has two rounds of buses to take students...

Sophomores Daustin Khounphixay, Kellen Johnson, junior Idris Thibou, sophomores Alec Ervig,  Rowen McClain, and Aidan Bringedahl participate in an activity during Maggie Gamero's fourth period Spanish 2 course.

LSHS should expand world language offerings

Nadine Jaraysa, Staff Reporter March 6, 2024

In today's world, the ability to communicate across cultures is more crucial than ever. However, for many students, the language options provided by schools often feel limited. At Lake Stevens High School,...

Lights can have mood altering effects on someone in a classroom setting.

Lighting creates ambiance

Maria Andrade, Graphic Designer March 5, 2024

Hard white fluorescent light has been the school standard for lighting for as long as anyone can remember. But was there any consideration that went into the effects hard white light have on people? During...

Choosing high school classes: A guide for underclassmen

Choosing high school classes: A guide for underclassmen

Nadine Jaraysa, Staff Reporter March 5, 2024

One’s high school journey involves making important decisions, especially when it comes to selecting classes. Whether you're a sophomore navigating high school for the first time or a junior refining...

Administration focuses on attendance by enforcing tardy policy.

Lake Stevens High School cracks down on tardiness

Levi Allinson, Staff Reporter March 5, 2024

If students accrue eight tardies in a class, they will be referred to lunch detention. Is this a fair punishment? “Tardies are a disruption to the learning environment and will be handled as a disciplinary...

The Transparent Bathroom. The boys' bathroom at the North Hall has stalls with gaps big enough for students to see what is happening inside. There are also gaps in the girls' bathroom stalls that measure 7 cm compared to the 1 cm gap in the boys' bathroom.

Large Gaps between the Stalls

Yuta Raqueno, Photographer March 4, 2024

We all need bathrooms to do business, and rigid stalls and infrastructure secure our privacy. Unfortunately, in the North Hall of LSHS, there have been reports of large openings between the stalls and...

Substitute teachers on to the rescue. Ms. Johnson is teaching Modern world history and came out to take a picture with us. Currently, where there are shortages of substitute teachers, Ms. Nicolas was able to get a substitute for her class on time. "[Substitute teachers] are responsible for maintaining a high level of instruction and continuity when regular teachers are absent due to illness, personal emergencies, maternity, vacation, or professional development opportunities." -FSG Newsletter

The Unsung Heroes: The Rising Demand for Substitute Teachers

Aiden Hubble, Opinion Editor March 4, 2024

Education plays an essential role in the development of our youth as well as- our society. As years’ past there has been a decrease in teachers and substitutes. According to the NBC in 2023, Washington...

Instagram, is one of the social media apps that were most likely to be used during class according to Common Sense Media. Students tend to use their phones when they are finished or when they don't feel like doing their work. Phone use varies from class to class. "I don't think I've had someone pull out their phone during the second period [AP Computer Science ] before," Levi Dela Rosa said.

Phone regulation varies class to class

Yuta Raqueno, Photographer January 31, 2024

We are almost halfway through the year, and graduation is less than five months away. Academic success is a must for graduation and earning credits, and the students will need to be engaged in their classes....

Junior Shalvi Dutt bought this slice of cheese pizza. The cheese pizza is a decent option for students when the other options aren't suitable. "I can easily choose pizza when I don't feel like eating the other food,"  Shalvi said.

School Lunch Review

Yuta Raqueno, Photographer December 12, 2023

Eating food is essential to keeping us alive; our overall performance can vary depending on what we eat. Studies show that “A well-balanced breakfast is [a] key to starting your day off right”, but...

Students evacuated LSHS Dec. 1, and students with first lunch tried to locate their fourth period teachers.

Confusion arises amidst school-wide evacuation

Staff Editorial December 1, 2023

During the first lunch on a rainy Dec.1, burnt popcorn set off the fire alarm in NW108, and then the unnecessary confusion began as students tried to figure out where to evacuate after leaving the gates...

Phone Cabinet
Numbered 1 through 36, each pocket is big enough to fit any type of phone. The "phone cabinet", located in Josh White's classroom, is for students to store their phones until the end of class. "There is no situation where you'll need your phone during class," White said.

The difference in policies between the teachers makes the situation a little more difficult

Yuta Raqueno, Photographer November 6, 2023

Cell phones have become an essential part of our lives. Communication, planning, work, entertainment, and many other things are in our phones, and we can all agree that these gadgets are life-changing....

Change in leadership: Senior Josephine Wilcox moves to Texas at the end of March, sophomore Monica Velasquez will take over as editor-in-chief, and senior Isaac Olson will take over as the features editor.

Letter from the Editor-in-Chief

Josephine Wilcox, Editor-in-Chief March 20, 2023

So far this year our journalism team has worked to create a welcoming and hard-working environment. When it comes to the way things are run, the staff is changing. We have worked to bring news that our...