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Student views on Lake news


Student views on Lake news


Student views on Lake news


A & E

Comic-Sans Horror: Butcher Billy, a Brazilian artist and creator of contemporary art has his work on display- vintage comic book style cover art designed in caricature of each episode of Black Mirror. The art itself is difficult to depict without having watched the episodes, although even without context were quite intriguing.

Pop culture highlight

Lorin Wells, Opinion editor January 19, 2018

It’s hard to imagine what the future holds, especially considering some of the amazing and unprecedented discoveries and inventions sure to be revealed in years to come. Black Mirror, a Twilight-Zone-esque...

The Last Jedi:  The second movie in the new Star Wars Trilogy came out on December 14, 2017 and made $1.040 billion. The movie was directed by Rian Johnson and was dedicated to the late Carrie Fisher. The movie was very well done and leaves Star Wars fans wanting more.

Star Wars Movie Spoilers and Review

Sadie Malmevik, Photographer and staff reporter January 18, 2018

Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the 8th movie in the Star Wars series, came out on December 14, 2017 and made $1.040 billion. The movie was directed by Rian Johnson and was dedicated to the late Carrie Fisher,...

Give a Grinch a Break! The Grinch smiles up hopefully from a novelty dinner plate, imploring all those who see him to reconsider the anti-Grinch sentiment which runs rampant in this day and age. The term “Grinch” was first introduced by the legendary Dr. Seuss in 1955 and since then had been used liberally to refer to anyone who is less than jolly during the holiday season. “I think it was two years ago I was called “the Grinch” because I refused to get up early for [Christmas],” junior Journey Scott said.

Playing Grinch’s advocate

Sylvia Cohen, Staff reporter January 16, 2018

The Grinch is one of America’s most iconic villains, right up there with the Joker and Darth Vader. Every year millions cheer as his plot to steal Christmas is foiled and he is forced to repent his previous...

Sister Act opening night is a hit among the community

Sister Act opening night is a hit among the community

Marin Nielsen, Staff Reporter & Design Editor November 17, 2017

After months of hard work and long rehearsals, this year’s fall musical, Sister Act, under the direction of Mindy Marks has finally hit the stage. With the Broadway production’s upbeat, jazzy numbers...

Crash’n’Bang!: A symbol of both the school and the orchestra, waiting for the opening night. The drama crew was practicing and the Pit was preparing. Come see sister act!

The Unspoken Pit

Logan Smith, Arts and entertainment editor November 2, 2017

Lights Dimming , curtains opening  and the actors are getting ready. But there’s another element to live theatre: an engine of wind, brass, and percussion. The engine is hidden, however, in the darkness,...

Lights! Curtains up! Cue music! Sister Act is the upcoming musical put on by the LSHS Drama Club on November 9th. Preparation for Sister Act has happened since the first day of school with having only nine weeks to make sets and rehearse scenes. “They[the set crew] are the thankless people because nobody really knows about them. Things just happen, they just create the magic,” Mindy Marks states.

The Magic That Makes the Stage Come Alive

Kassie Gruel, Photographer and staff reporter October 30, 2017

When it comes to musicals or plays, people tend to give credit to the actors on stage, but without the set crews it would simply be actors on a stage not medieval peasants on the streets, a police officer...

Throughout "It"s time in theaters, the movie grossed $631 million worldwide, the second highest grossing horror film ever after "The Sixth Sense" with $672 million. It has been praised by critics as one of the best Stephen King adaptations ever made. A sequel, titled "It: Chapter 2" is scheduled for September 2019.

“It” introduces Stephen King to new generation of moviegoers

Payne Patchett, Posting Editor October 19, 2017

The critically acclaimed horror film “It”, directed by Andy Muschietti, is based off the 1986 novel by Stephen King, and the 1990 miniseries of the same name. The story follows seven outcast teens,...

You’ll float too: Stephen King’s Pennywise looks sinister, as per usual, on the “It” movie poster. The movie, released in early September, has been a huge success, receiving a deluge of positive feedback and widespread viewership, including many LSHS students. “It was interesting that they used more like suspense instead of just trying to gross out the audience,” junior Sierra Tucker said.

Investigating “It”

Sylvia Cohen, Staff reporter October 19, 2017

This fall’s “It” was a huge success at the box office, raking in an impressive $305,250,480 in the domestic market by October 13; nearly triple that of the highest grossing horror movie last year,...

The Valhalla will be publishing comic strips every issue submitted by our student body. Have you ever wanted YOUR work published? Try your chance at having your work featured in next month's issues. This month's theme was Halloween, Next month's theme will be Thanksgiving. Turn your comic strips into Room 303 during your lunch on November 1. This week's issue has been made by Robert “Bobby” Shields.

Comic Strips

Dawsen Hudson, Head photographer and news editor October 17, 2017

An infinite potential: Paint brushes await their fate in the serene studio where their director contemplates which brush should complete their masterpiece. Under the cloudy skies, this unconventional artist worked with their idol of ten years for the first time. “Life is art, live yours in color,” the quote printed on top of the artist’s sketchbook.

Analyze Expression

Clara Langerveld, Photographer and staff reporter October 17, 2017

What is art? This has been an age-old question ceasing to be answered even after all of these years. Throughout history the advancements in art have been incredibly influential and crucial to our understanding...

Senior Kayla Perkins and junior Brenda Hoist practice their routine for the Homecoming Assembly to be held on October 20, 2017. All dance routines have been choreographed by students, the last two were choreographed by senior Makenzie Heggie. “We are all pretty confident about the new dance routine and excited to perform at the assembly,” says Olivia Quattrin.

The dance team makes a breathtaking return

Audrey Kristofferson, Online editor October 16, 2017

After a seven year hiatus, the dance team is back and better than ever. Senior Makenzie Heggie resurrected the team at the end of her junior year with the intent of students becoming more involved. “People...

The Jazz and Concert Choirs pose shortly after competing. The choir got to spend the next day at an amusement park to celebrate their hard work and received their 1st and 3rd place awards that night. "As a senior, it's just really nice to be able to go on these trips and it's sad to think that this is my last competition but I'm glad I got to spend it with these people," senior Stephanie Fosse said.

Choir brings home two golds

Sophie Grieser, News Editor & Editor-in-Chief April 17, 2017

Between sports, Robotics, Knowledge Bowl and band, LSHS students are no strangers to competing. The Concert and Jazz Choirs are no exception. Over spring break, the Concert and Jazz Choirs traveled to...