“Catch Me If You Can” steals the night

Despite being confronted with small obstacles along the way, both the LSHS Drama Club and band presented an entertaining musical

Anne Joulson

Out of the Way, Doctors Orders Ahead! Seniors Brynne Shipman, Erin Wright, Teigun Pesce perform the opening song of Act 2, “Doctors Orders”. This year’s annual Drama Club’s performance was outstanding, and the box office numbers kept rising as the shows continued. “The ensemble was incredible, and the actors just jumped into place and became the role!” Unknown Source

Originating from Broadway and created by the producer Terrence Ncally, the musical “Catch Me If You Can” is set in the 1960s and is all about the true story of a teenager, whose name is Frank Abagnale Jr. He runs away from home to escape the on-going divorce between his parents and with nothing more than a dream to become more. 

The musical portrays how he is captured by Agent Carl Hanratty (Angelina Olson) after many years of pursuit and committing crimes. Abagnale (Teigun Pesce), a master of deception and amazing forger of checks, manages to fake careers, becoming a doctor, lawyer, and even a co-pilot, all before the age of 19. He’s very good at what he does and is careful to not make a mistake. Eventually, Hanratty comes to learn about the forgeries and needs to find Frank to put an end to his actions, only to find out that he’s merely a kid. As Frank continues to build himself up, he becomes known as the Skywayman at the Pan-Am, an American airway where he played a co-pilot. 

He then goes on to mask himself as a doctor after Hanratty attempts and fails to catch him cornered at a hotel. Like most musicals, Frank meets his own beloved soon to be wife, Brenda (Dakota Wallner). She’s then approached by Hanratty and makes a deal in which she sells out Franks to help capture him. 

The play features the storyline from the lead character’s perspective, as he believes that the audience has a right to his side of the story.

Lake Stevens High School Drama Club chose this wonderful piece of work to welcome the returning annual production. Directed by Barry Cogswell and  choreographed by Kristen Hoffan and Holly Hooper,  the show was a success. Students and staff worked hard to be able to put this show together, and despite some challenges that were out of their control, they pushed through and with great efforts and brought it right to you. 

The amount of work and memorization that these actors put into preparing for shows is impressive – not to mention performing the choreography in synchronized movements for each musical number. Having to balance school, school activities, and work even for some students, could be a lot to digest. On top of that, they have to find their own time to practice and rehearse their lines.

Music is key to attract and maintain the audience’s attention, as well as for the performers. One wrong bar, and it could throw them off permanently. Directed by Neil Proff, who’s been directing the LSHS orchestra band for over 10 years, was ready to spring into action, and the pit band blended seamlessly along with the cast. 

“Just all of the pieces that had to come together to make a great production..it was really fun seeing those students in different roles,” math teacher Susan Horn.

The music in the play was well loved and favored by many. 

“I just love the music, it’s so jazzy and all the duets…it’s amazing,”junior Alex Kleparek said.

Every year since 2015 the LSHS band, choir and drama clubs produce crowd pleasing musicals. This year was no exception. All money raised through ticket sales help fun the Drama Club’s future performances. Be sure to check out the spring show and support the arts!