A few weeks ago, Willow Kosbab’s and Jody Cain’s Art 1 and 2 classes followed a multi-step process and made starry lanterns.
Each student constructed and colored their own stars. We started with one part of the star.

Each student made an original pattern on one piece of paper. Then, our pattern was photocopied, so we each had five matching pieces to make the star.
We colored each pattern in the same way. I used pink, purple, yellow, and red, Prang paint markers to color my polka dot pattern. Some people added glitter to their stars to make them sparkle. Next, we cut the five pieces out using scissors.

The last steps were more difficult. We had to fold the edges and then glue the five pieces of the star together to make a single star.
The starry lanterns are displayed in the sky of the Learning Commons. No two stars are the same.