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Student views on Lake news


Student views on Lake news


Student views on Lake news


Hunter O'Connor

Hunter O’Connor, Photographer

Hi everyone! My name is Hunter O’Connor, and I am a senior at Lake Stevens High School. One of my hobbies that I have picked up is photography. I love taking pictures, and I especially love the retouching and editing. I hope to utilize this skill in my upcoming role in The Valhalla. I’d love to help other staff learn how to operate a camera and take journalistic photos. After graduation, a goal of mine is to work in real estate and to buy rental properties. 

All content by Hunter O’Connor
Entrepreneurial Knowledge: Karen Morton’s business and DECA students attend class in a mixture of in-person and remote. Students were given an option to return to school or stay in distance learning in April. “Being back in school, especially Mrs. Morton’s class, has made me realize how much I missed the in-school experience,” junior Luke Bates said.

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Staff Warrior: LSHS Staff member Megan Britton receives her first dose of the novel coronavirus vaccine inside the Snohomish High School gym. LSSD and Kusler’s Compounding Pharmacy partnered to set up a vaccination site to vaccinate teachers and paras. “They were very quick, clean, efficient and kind. I got an email reminder about a week ahead of time to schedule my second shot with them and the process was just as smooth,” Britton said.

Vaccines roll out rapidly

With vaccination efforts in full effect, more people become eligible for shots
Hunter O’Connor, Photographer
April 16, 2021
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Upskilled Teaching: LSHS Teacher Karen Morton interacts with students through Google Meet during distance learning. She learned a lot about herself and her profession while she taught virtually. “Going out of this, there’s going to be some positives, like me as a teacher, I’ve probably told you this, I was a teacher that wouldn’t take any paper, any assignment electronically. Now I don’t know if I’ll take hard copy assignments anymore,” Morton said.

Lake Stevens teachers get vaccines

After moving up the list and qualifying for vaccination, teachers prepare to return to school
Hunter O’Connor, Photographer
March 26, 2021
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