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Student views on Lake news


Student views on Lake news


Student views on Lake news



Gender Sexuality Alliance paints faces and raises awareness

Gender Sexuality Alliance paints faces and raises awareness

Sylvia Cohen, Staff reporter March 12, 2018

  Club officers and sophomores Liv Hagan and Ky Winn work their booth in the cafeteria, talking to students about GSA and offering face painting. Hagan, the club president, is extremely passionate...

Welcome to class: Three Australian exchange students are brought to the attention of Mr. Flanders' second period class. Madilyn Ridgeway, Reece Ryan and Konnor Furber were given the assignment of telling the American students about their 'lifestyle'. In the back of the classroom, hosts Mitchell Hoffman and Sydney Peterson are chuckling watching their newfound friends struggle under the pressure. "I have students who still are good friends and keep in contact with their Aussie, even three to four years ago,” Choir teacher Heidi Forslund said. “Some have even gone to Australia to visit and stay with their Aussie."

Host and Hostee

Lorin Wells, Opinion editor January 22, 2018

Sometimes from a high school student’s perspective, everything seems very localized. We hear about what goes on in Lake Stevens and occasionally get a snippet of information about something halfway across...

Life Skill Students work as a whole and use teamwork to build a strong relationships, allowing the to have fun…” seeing them laugh and smile for random things makes them happy and others around them” senior Cindy Perez

Life skill sports create connections with other students

Cindy Perez, Photographer January 22, 2018

Life skill students strive to interact in additional outside activities, such as swimming, bowling, and basketball. The Special Olympic program lets them have a passion and other interactions beyond school.   The...

It’s time to play ball! The Girls Basketball team lines up as they get ready to play Kamiak. Before standing for the pledge the team warmed up shooting free throws, three’s and working on layouts. “I wish more people would come out and support our team, the season so far as been really successful and I hope to see more people at our games,” senior Laycie Taylor said.

All Hype, No Recognition

Kani White, Photographer January 22, 2018

Here at Lake Stevens High School, our sports programs tend to land at the prestigious end of the spectrum. Most would say that we are known for our athletics, yet all are not acknowledged equally. One...

Can you make a difference in the world? Yes you can! The third Monday of January is used to celebrate a great man by the name of Martin Luther King Jr. who made a difference in the world just as you can. King fought to end segregation and racism in America, and caused a huge civil rights movement outbreak. He gave speeches that caused a spark of change, one famous one being his ‘I have a Dream’ speech. “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character,” states King in his speech.

MLK Assembly in Review: A Positive Outlook

Kassie Gruel, Photographer and staff reporter January 22, 2018

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward”(Martin Luther King Jr.). Martin Luther King Jr. is someone...

Cheater cheater pumpkin eater: Cheating is a large problem in our schools.  Junior Heather Head diligently works on her assignment while her peers Junior Kylie Davis copy her work and Junior Skylar Sutton takes pictures of her work to copy later. “ugh, dang cheaters” Head said.

How technology is making cheating easier

Abigail Morgan, Design and features editor January 22, 2018

This past year, technology has advanced in countless ways - from the iPhone 8, new laptops, to cars that can park themselves. Technology is evolving every second and influencing people’s everyday lives...

The perfect headspace: The Seattle based museum, MoPop, has a large screen televising the music videos to music’s greatest anthems. The mixing board is placed in front of the screen to control the musical composition of what can be heard in the miniature theatre. Many young artists and musicians come to the MoPop (formally known as the EMP) to gain inspiration. “Any person that you may meet could become the next musical genius,” sophomore Dallas Landeros said. 
“If you are not doing what you love, you are wasting your time,” world renowned musician Billy Joel said.

Faces in the Halls : Dallas Landeros & Mitchell Hoffman

Clara Langerveld, Photographer and staff reporter January 22, 2018

Music is an age-old art form. A universal language. Walk around the city, a school, even the grocery store, and one may spot someone wearing headphones. These people submerge themselves in the melodic...

Peaceful pillager

Peaceful pillager

Sylvia Cohen, Staff reporter January 22, 2018

Site of the upcoming Winter Olympics and neighbor to one of the world’s most frightening nuclear threats, the nation of South Korea is this month’s featured country. A quick history of South Korea:...

Making a comeback: Dead Poets Society Club almost got shut down, but they are working on spreading the word that this club offers a safe haven after school for students interested in literature and the arts. Dead Poet Society Club had a rough start to the 2018 year, but had worked to get their club out there and continues to work towards that goal. The club has offered students a place to go to write, read, draw, and go see plays. They based themselves around the literature theme with Senior Chantel Murphy leading it. “In order to just kind of let it out [through writing and art], because high school can be really stressful and being creative and writing it down on paper rather than punching something or someone is a lot more healthy,” Murphy stated.

Dead Poets Society: Reviving a Dying Club

Kassie Gruel, Photographer and staff reporter January 22, 2018

Dead Poets Society is a club inspired by the movie, Dead Poets Society, with Robin Williams, in which Williams plays a new English teacher by the name of John Keating who teaches at an all-boys preparatory...

Behind the scenes: Michele Thomas (left) and Lisa Riecks (right) work hard to feed the hungry students. They are always willing to help when you are low on money. “You will need money tomorrow or we can provide you with a courtesy lunch if you are short on money,” Riecks said.

Staff in the spotlight

Marin Nielsen, Staff Reporter & Design Editor January 19, 2018

With a high school this large and successful, there are a lot of staff members ensuring operations run smoothly behind the scenes. In the Main Office, Office Manager Joan Human keeps machines running,...

Majority minors: During tour, Executive Director Lori Vanderburg shows an exam room within Dawson Place. Though they offer services to any age of individual, the staff the staff Dawson Place see a majority of kids aged 7-12. After their exams, patients are invited to throw a sticky hand onto the ceiling of the exam room, creating an impactful visual showing them they are not alone. “90-95% of sexual violence happens with someone you know. Somebody at your Thanksgiving table, somebody at your Hanukkah celebration, whatever it is,” Vanderburg said in reference to their largest largest demographic.

Sexual assault on the rise

Marin Nielsen, Staff Reporter & Design Editor January 16, 2018

  With the numerous high profile cases surrounding sexual assault, the topic is becoming more widely spoken of than ever before. What we aren't talking about, though, is the continued existence...

Viska- Meaning wisdom and knowledge. The Norse rune (symbol) Viska is symbolic of the Norse god Odin. This rune also applies to you, Vikings and Valkyries, with upcoming finals, studying and any other tests.

Odin’s Ravens: Viska

Kassie Gruel, Photographer and staff reporter January 12, 2018

In the last issue, we covered Odin’s ravens, Hugin and Munin along with the Winter Nights Festival, which is similar to the American Thanksgiving. To view this information, check out our hardcopy December...